Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I don't know about you, but every now and then I have a pity party (as my mom used to call it). That is, I just feel sorry for myself. When my kids left France after Christmas, to go back to school in the States, I sat down and had myself a good old fashioned pity party. Other factors contributed to my inviting myself to this party. I won't get into all of those though, or I'd just be reliving my party.

Now, let me be clear about one thing, this is not a happy party. It doesn't make you feel better than when you arrived, in fact it makes you feel worse. It's not even fun, but I wasn't sure how to pull myself out of it. So I went to God in prayer and was completely honest. I went through all of the reasons that I felt had contributed to my state of mind and my sadness. I even told Him that I felt like He had asked too much of me. A verse kept running through my mind as I told Him my list:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

I kept thinking, that's funny, what I'm carrying doesn't feel easy or light. I also remembered verses that tell me to thank God in all things. So I stopped making my list and started a list of what I'm thankful for. By the time I was done, the party was over. I felt blessed, protected, provided for, loved, and like one who has more than they deserve. As I thanked Him, I did feel rest was near and the burden felt light. So, here are a few of the things that were on my thankful list. I'm not sure why I keep having to learn this lesson over and over. But I'm so glad I have a God who doesn't get tired of teaching me!

I'm thankful because:

I have always been loved. I have never lived a day that I wasn't truly loved....by parents, by grandparents, by sisters, by my husband, by my kids, by friends. I have known real love.

I have never had a day in my life when I didn't have food and shelter.

I've never been cold without a way to get warm.

I've never walked through a crisis alone.

I've never been seriously persecuted for my faith.

I've always had access to a Bible.

I've never lost anything that couldn't be replaced.

I've known the love of a Savior who left heaven to rescue me in my lostness.

I read a quote by Dennis Jernigan once that said, "Contentment is attainable depending on which list you focus on, what God has done or what He hasn't done." Our lists probably differ some, but I hope we can all stay focused on what He has done for us!

May your burden be light and may you know real peace and joy!



CrazyDeb said...

Oh my friend - you have lifted me out of my own pity party! I came home tonight feeling quite sorry for myself for a number of reasons and here you are. From all the way across half of this country and the ocean and into Europe you are ministering to me. My focus will now be on what God has done.

Thank you!!! Hope to see you this spring!

Julie said...

who's yo daddy?

Katheryne said...

What a beautiful perspective! Julie shared this with me this afternoon and I enjoyed reading your other posts. The one on Limits really hit me between the eyes.

Unknown said...

You are amazing my friend. I can't believe it has been so long since I've been able to pick your brain, comiserate, and celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness. There's nothing like appreciating the blessings in our lives to pull us out of the dark places. Love you!!

ginger said...

Ain't it the truth, Sister!