Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It Matters

This past weekend my pastor talked about David and how he was trained for greatness in the most unusual place, in a field taking care of sheep. David was anointed to be the next king of Israel when the prophet Samuel came to visit. He was the unlikely choice to be king, so much so that his father didn't even think to call him in for the prophet to consider. He was chosen, anointed and then went back out in the field to continue his work, to take care of his responsibilities.

This week I got an email from a young mom (love you so much Lynette!) who is discouraged and is finding it challenging to take care of her new baby and not finding time to pray and have her quiet time like she did before. Wow, have I been there! In her note she said, "How did you survive these times in life? I feel like I'm dying and my joy is fading by the moment."

As I thought and prayed about how to encourage her, I thought of David faithfully looking after his father's sheep. I thought about what pleasure God must have taken in seeing him do the task set before him with diligence and faithfulness. Then I thought about this sweet mom faithfully loving and nurturing her baby. And I asked myself this question, does God only take delight in us when we are on our knees praying or sitting in front of our Bibles? Or does He delight in seeing us serve Him with joy in whatever task He has allowed to be in front of us.

I remembered being in France with a child with special needs who only slept 3 hours a night and was at home crying most of the day. I couldn't imagine that God was anywhere near or that He could ever use me again....and here I was in France as a missionary! I thought I was going to drown.

All I knew to do was to open my Bible and cry out the Lord, as feeble as my cry may have been. I felt God whisper a question to my heart, "Will you serve me?" I explained to God that I could serve Him if He'd send help so that I could sleep and at least leave my house. Then He whispered, "Will you serve me with joy and thanksgiving?" Again, yes of course Lord, I've left everything to serve you! Then, "Will you serve me with joy and thanksgiving by loving this one little boy....with no one noticing but me and him?" That's when I understood that God takes delight in seeing me serve Him in whatever it is that is before me....with joy and thanksgiving.

Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? 1 Samuel 15:22

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23

I would bet that David did his job well because he was doing it as work to his God, whether that was protecting sheep or reigning as king. I encouraged this young mamma to love her baby and to serve with all of her heart as unto the Lord. He is never far, is always providing grace for the task at hand, and takes great delight in His children.

Whatever training ground God has you on, I pray that you will find joy and strength in every task.

Press On


claire said...

HI Angela! It's Claire Mozley. We are back in the US...lots of changes. I would love to catch up with you some time...but also want to ask if you know anyone in the Memphis/Arkansas area who could speak to a small group of women about missions on the 31 January...short notice and i am too far away. Claire :) 404 234 0388

leah said...

Angela, this post brought me to tears... these are such true words, and the seasons of life in a young mother can really challenge one's view of loving God. He is really more interested in the internal submission and heart change than the big stuff that people see on the outside. You said this so well, Thanks.