Wednesday, March 21, 2012


My amazing husband who stays in the fire with me!!

This is what he wrote about his word:

" God is like “a refiner and purifier of silver,” He puts his hands on us and “will purify and refine like gold and silver.”

The Lord is a “consuming fire.”He says that we are created, and formed, and redeemed and called by name, that we belong to Him. That the river waters will not sweep over us, that the flames will not burn us.

Yet he leads us into the fire.The heat is intense, unbearable. In the fire I trust that God will do His work, and like metal glowing red from the fire, my heart will burn with passion and love and relent under His hammer, as He shapes me after His design.

We call on His name, and He answers. He says of us, “They are my people,” and we say, “The Lord is our God.”

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